
Alaskan Feral Goddess

Alaskan Feral Goddess

Alaskan Feral Goddess's work was chosen for the inaugural issue of Boundaries and Bridges.

On the inside
A burning fire
A tornado
A never ending storm
Full of turbulence
Seeking calmness
Seeking peace
Seeking joy
Seeking a connection
Seeking love
Looking to God
Looking at self love
Looking at spirituality
Looking at freedom
Looking for release from it all
On the outside
A coverup of the storm
Will not show weakness to a cruel world
Will not give them power to knock me down
Will not give them more rocks to throw
I am woman
Hear me roar
A role model for my daughter
Will never give up the fight
Through the storm
Because of her
I am blessed

Boundaries and Bridges is a collection by incarcerated and unconfined writers from across the U.S. that explores connection and disconnection related to the justice system. This collection is supported by The Learning Inside Out Network (LION), an Alaska-based grassroots group that increases access to quality participation in artistic exchanges for people inside and out of the carceral system.

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